
Dear Parents, Please see the following information for this week. Monday 星期一 □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 10 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 10 x 3, defs x 1 □ 3. ___________________________________ □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ 家長簽名: Teacher’s Signature: Tuesday 星期二 □ 1. Class field trip □ 2. No homework □ 3. ___________________________________ □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ 家長簽名: Teacher’s Signature: Wednesday 星期三 □ 1. Vocabulary words 11 - 15 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 11 – 15 x 3, defs x 1 □ 3. ___________________________________ □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ 家長簽名: Teacher’s Signature: Thursday 星期四 □ 1. Common and Proper Nouns, RWN page 112 □ 2. RWN page 111, quiz review □ 3. Homework: RWN Page 119, study for quiz □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ 家長簽名: Teacher’s Signature: Friday 星期五 □ 1. Quiz □ 2. RWN check □ 3. Homework: RWN corrections □ 4. ___________________________________ □ 5. ___________________________________ □ 6. ___________________________________ 家長簽名: Teacher’s Signature:


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