
Showing posts from December, 2021


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Oral test 2) Homework: Study vocabulary lists for written test. Thursday: 1) Oral test 2) Homework: Review vocabulary lists for written test, write 5 sentences about what you will do for New Years. Have a great evening. Happy New Year. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Carl the Complainer review. 2) Homework: Review Carl the Complainer vocabulary lists. New copies for the vocabulary lists for Carl the Complainer have been sent home. Tomorrow, students will be taking their listening exam in homeroom and their oral exams in levelled reader's classes. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Quiz corrections, Vocabulary words  2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 23, Cowboys □2. Cowboys review □3. Homework: Write vocabulary words 3 times, definitions one time This Wednesday and Thursday, students will be taking their monthly listening and oral exams. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents,  Today in class we did the following: 1) Quiz review 2) Quiz 3) Homework: 10 sentence essay: Do you want to be a cowboy? Why or why not? Merry Christmas. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Quiz review 2) Homework: Fill-in-the-blank vocabulary worksheet Any corrections needed to Reader's and Writer's Notebook should also be done as homework. Name:                                     Class:                                                                                                                                                                                        ...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Vocabulary words 11 - 15, Cowboys. 2) Carl the Complainer Review 3) Homework: Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 518, write vocabulary words 11 - 15 three times, definition one time. The Monthly Exams will be starting next week. Please see the attached test scope as well as the one that has been sent home.  Regards, Teacher Ari 3rd Grade 3rd Exam Test Scope -- Fall, 2021 Dear Parents, The Third Monthly Exams are upon us once again. Below is the exam schedule and test scope. Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and reading stories listed in the test scope. l    Listening Exam :  Wednesday, 12/29 l    Oral Exam :  Wed., 12/29 & Thurs. 12/30 l    Written Exam :  Wednesday, 1/05 LISTENING & ORAL EXAMS: l    Vocabulary Focus : Week 13 ~ Week 18 (Communication Book) l    Reading Street Stories: l    Carl the Complainer (p. 224 - 247) ...


 Dear Parents, In today's class we did the following: 1) Suffixes 2) Vocabulary words 6 - 10, Cowboys. 3) Homework: Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 521, Write vocabulary words 6 - 10 three times, definition one time. There will be a vocabulary quiz this Friday. Quiz sections will include spelling, definition matching, and fill-in-the-blanks. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Here's today's lesson: 1) Test corrections, suffixes. 2) Vocabulary words 1 - 5, Cowboys. 3) Homework: Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 517, write vocabulary words 3 times, definition one time. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Unit test 2) No homework. There is no homework tonight due to the Christmas show happening tomorrow, Friday. Friday: 1) Christmas show 2) Homework: Write ten things you want for Christmas. Regards, Teacher Ari

December 15, 2021

 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Unit test review 2) Homework: Vocabulary fill-in-the-blanks worksheet. Today, I gave a pop quiz in class. This was done using the bubble book. Any words that are misspelled must be written three times. Regards, Teacher Ari
 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Vocabulary words 8 – 12, A Birthday Basket for Tia □2. Vocabulary words 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, A Birthday Basket for Tia □3. Homework: Write vocabulary words 8 – 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23 three times, definition one time As previously stated, we will have our unit test for this story on Thursday instead of Friday. Unit test will consist of spelling definition matching, prepositions, fill-in-the-blanks, and story comprehension. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Quiz corrections, prepositions 2) Vocabulary words 1 - 5, A Birthday Basket for Tia. 3) Homework: Write vocabulary words  1 - 5 three times, write the definition one time, fill-in-the-blank worksheet. This week, due to the Christmas party, we will be having our unit test on Thursday instead of Friday. Name:                             Class:               Number: Directions: Fill in the blanks.     1) Put the food in the ___________________. 2) I’m tired. I will take a _________________. 3) Candy fell out of the __________________. 4) I want to play ____________ and seek. 5) Let me ___________ that song. Week 16 Short Definitions A Birthday Basket for Tia hide (v.): to put something in a place wh...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Quiz review 2) A Birthday Basket for Tia quiz 3) Homework: Write a 15 sentence essay on your dream birthday party. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Quiz review 2) Homework: Study vocabulary list for quiz Sections of the quiz include spelling, definition matching, and fill-in-the-blanks. I have also added a section on the final syllable -tion and -ture. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Final syllable -tion and -ture. 2) Vocabulary words 11 - 15, A Birthday Basket for Tia. 3) Homework: Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 506, write vocabulary words 11 - 15 and the definitions one time. This Friday we will take a quiz on A Birthday Basket for Tia. Quiz sections will include spelling, definition matching, and fill-in-the-blanks. I look forward to meeting you at conferences. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today's lesson: 1) Suffixes 2) Vocabulary words 6 - 10, A Birthday Basket for Tia 3) Homework: Write vocabulary words 6 - 10 and the definitions 1 time, Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 505. Have a great evening. Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did: 1) Unit test corrections 2) Vocabulary words 1 - 5, A Birthday Basket for Tia 3) Homework: Write vocabulary words 1 - 5 and the definitions one time. Due to parent-teacher conferences this week, I will not be collecting homework. I will collect and catch up on this weeks homework next week. When you arrive for Parent-Teacher Conference, please come to the 2nd Floor library at the appointed time. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Unit test review 2) Unit test 3) Homework: Reading Street pages 434 - 457. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Unit test review 2) Homework: Study vocabulary lists. Week 14 Short Definitions: Carl the Complainer   1. Stuck (adj.): difficult or impossible to move from a position 2. Neighbor (n .): a person who lives next door to you or in your area/ nearby 3. Cool (adj.): great, awesome 4. Click (v.): to use a mouse to do something on a computer such as open or close a pop-up ad 5. Sign (v.): to write your signature/ name on something 6. Title (n.): the name of something like a book, movie, or petition as in the story 7. Agree (v.): to think the same as someone; to think someone or something is right 8. Council (n.): a group of people who make decisions about what happens in towns, cities, etc 9. Tomb (n.): a place where people are buried 10. Copy/ Copies (n.): something that looks exactly like something else 11. Government (n.): the group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state...