
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Dear Parents, It is the end of the semester. Winter Break homework is to write a two page journal documenting what students did during Chinese New Year. Students should also draw pictures of what they did as well. Have a wonderful Winter Vacation. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Grace for President 2) Homework: Write three sentences about Grace for President.


 Dear Parents, There was no class today due to a school event. Homework this weekend is to read Reading Street pages 368 - 381 and write 3 sentences about it. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) The Sign Maker's Assistant 2) Homework: Write 3 sentences about The Sign Maker's Assistant. There will be no class tomorrow due to a conversation event. Weekend homework will be to read Reading Street pages 368 - 381 and write 5 sentences about the story. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Horace, Morris, mostly Delores 2) Homework: Write 3 sentences about Horace, Morris, but mostly Delores. There will be no class tomorrow as we will be taking a field trip to Green World Ecological Farm. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Test Corrections, Fire Fighters 2) Homework: Write three sentences about being a fire fighter. Due to test corrections taking more time than anticipated, we did not get the chance to read Fire Fighters. Therefore, weekend homework is to read Reading Street pages 198 - 211 and to write 5 sentences about what a fire fighter does. Tomorrow, students are finishing with their monthly written tests so I won't have them for class tomorrow. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Suffix review 2) Monthly written test review 3) Homework: Cowboys worksheet, study vocabulary list. Wednesday: Monthly written exam. 1)      There were no roads, only __________. 2)      A group of cows is called ___________. 3)      The ___________ works with cows and horses. 4)      The cowboy lives on a _____________. 5)      ____________ protect a cowboys’ legs. 6)      The cowboy had to protect the _________ of cattle. 7)      A male cow is called a ____________. 8)      The _____________ covers a cowboys’ mouth. 9)      The ____________ of the his protects him from the sun and rain. 10)                         Anim...


 Dear Parents, □1. Prefixes review □2. Monthly written test review □3. Homework: A Birthday Basket for Tia worksheet, read Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook page 406 As Reader's and Writer's Notebook page 406 has already been completed, students should review it for their monthly written exam. If your child brought the following worksheets home, don't worry about it. It is class work. Grade 3, 3 rd Exam Review Class 302-303-304        Name: ______________________    No.______________ Vocab – Unscramble cusea       igurenast       ilnmthlio       enorktw       arminstbro       ineghrbo   ...